Komite Nasional Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah
KNKS Launched a "Kumpulan Kultum Ekonomi Syariah" Book
29 May 2019

JAKARTA, KNKS – On Wednesday (29/5/29), The 1st edition book of "Kumpulan Kultum Ekonomi Syariah" was launched coincided with the momentum of KNKS break-fasting program at KNKS Office. In this book, there are 19 Islamic Economy topics discussed in the book authored by 20 contributors. 

In the launching, a symbolic book was given to the Excecutive Director of KNKS Ventje Rahardjo. M. Soleh Nurzaman (the Deputy Director of the Islamic Finance Education and Human Resource Development Division) representing Sutan Emir (the Director of the Islamic Finance Education and Research) presented that symbolic book.

This event was attended by Leonard VH Tampubolon, M.Cholifiani, and Oktorialdi as representatives of National Development Planning Board (Bappenas), Directors of KNKS, KNKS Experts, and staff of KNKS. In addition, Prof. Irwandi Jaswir from IIUM and Banu Muhammad from Faculty of Economic and Business of University of Indonesia were also present during the event.

“This book is expected to be a reference, especially for preachers in giving sermons and speeches related to Islamic economy in all over Indonesia,” Nurzaman said.  When giving a symbolic book, Nurzaman also said that the publication of the book will be made annually. Each edition will cover different topics and have various contributors. These books are available in the forms of hard and soft copies which can be easily downloaded for free by the public at One Data Center microsite of KNKS's Website. This book already has an ISBN number and is not for sale.

Reporter: Annissa Permata
Editor: Achmad Iqbal

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