Komite Nasional Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah
KNKS Holds Discussion on Human Development in Digital Economy Era
17 June 2019

Jakarta – During the internal sharing session on Monday, June 17, KNKS discussed a paper titled “Human Development in the Era of Digital Economy,” originally published for the fifth Doha Islamic Finance Conference with the tagline “Islamic and Digital World”.

The discussion revealed that in the mid-2030s, 30 percent of jobs and 44 percent of low-skill and low-education workers are facing the risk of automation. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the paper estimated that the financial technology (fintech) sector would be able to employ a workforce of 215,433 employees.

Emerging roles are also projected to see increase, among them Data Analysts and Scientists, E-commerce and Social Media Specialists, Training and Development, Innovation Managers, AI and Machine Learning Specialists, Big Data Specialists, Information Security Analysts, and Process Automation Experts. Furthermore, most of the economic value is in the data with projections of global data growth until 2020 reaching 40 zettabytes, equivalent to 40, 0007 bytes (UNECE, 2017).

The term Big Data itself becomes a particular interest in the concept of Digital Economy. Big data is useful to fill in the gaps in census data and household surveys by providing key information on educational background, health, and poverty. It is also useful to assess qualitative human development indicators.

For example, one can use Big Data project to monitor areas of human development, in particular health, by analyzing twitter hashtags and measure health trends and epidemics in real-time.

KNKS is contributing to the development of digital economy with human development approach. “Satu Data (One Data) KNKS is building the ecosystem for digital Islamic economy, and digitalization of Zakat,” KNKS Executive Director Ventje Rahardjo said.

Reporter: Ishmah Qurratu’ain & Annissa Permata

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